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Thomas Jefferson Awards


.   In top photo left, those shown (L-R) include Hal Petrie (previously AFTN Udorn 69/70) and Lee Baldwin - they also received awards but for what I do not recall,
    nor where in AFRTS they came. The Brig. Gen'l is identified at Thomas Coleman. I am on the right.  In the top photo at right,  Henry Luce of Time-Life - sponsors
of the Jefferson Awards, was at left - I'm on the right with the award statues. Man at podium was emcee actor Leif Erickson.

Pics & captions from Bob Lacell, May, 2004

The news release announcing that AFTN's radio feature, "Taken Prisoner," had won a Department of
Defense Thomas Jefferson Award. Airman Robert Lacell was the writer and producer, and received a trip to
Washington, D.C., for the seminar and honors banquet. I was fortunate to be able to attend also.

Info and press Release from Richard B. Risk, Interim Commander, AFTN, May l971
Tulsa, OK, May, 2004

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