Staff-- AFTN-770  NKP Radio  January 1968

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NKP Staff 1969

SSgt Bob Olson(L), was leaving PCS, and DOc was a day or two away from relocating to Ubon, as well. From left:  Bob Olson, SSgt. Doc Ball, A2C Dick Hartsook, SSgt Don Trumball, SSgt Charles Black, Engineer, A2C Dave Settles, SSgt Jack McAfee.  About the only time you saw 505's was on the day a person was leaving for civilization.  Hartsook and Settles were wearing what was considered the official "uniform of the day" at NKP.  everyone else had tailored fatigues, make (or modified) locally.  Subdued name tags and USAF stripes were still fairly new, and only used at that time on the jungle fatigues.  Notice that only the "kids" were GI!!!.