5 Jan 70 Assignment of motion picture cameramen to AFTN stations requested.
19-22 Jan 70 AFTN Udorn visited by IG from 13th AF: Satisfactory
19 Jan 70 Congressional inquiry on alleged news censorship in AFTN received.
20 Jan 70 AFTN dispatches reply to alleged news censorship congressional .
26 Jan 70 Approval for converting AFTN Udorn to FM received from SAFOI
26 Jan 70 Audio Distribution System (ADS) at Nam Pung Dam, Thailand, serviced from AFTN NKP removed
2 Feb70 Thai government approves FM frequency for Udorn
2 Feb 70 Policy on TV Coverage of Distinguished Visitor Visits
4 Feb 70 Dir of Info for Armed Forces chief visits Hdqtrs. & Korat
24 Feb 70 New AFTN News Sensitivity Guidelines placed in use.
25 Feb 70 Assignment of motion picture cameramen to each AFTN station disapproved by 13th Air Force.
26 Feb 70 Lt. Col. David T. LaFollette, Network Chief, gives congressional testimony to Congressman Moss at Chiang Mai. (Page 2), (Page 3), (Page 4)
Feb 70 The Headquarters engineering staff conducts a TV experiment at U-Tapao station.
Mar 70 AFTN loses $ 1,000 monthly obligation authority for buying eqpt.
3 Mar 70 Mr. Hugh Woodward, U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Officer, visited from Bangkok to explain the new sensitivity list.
4 Mar 70 AFTN receives a request for a new television satellite at Ramasun, Thailand
10 Mar 70 A study is concluded on the use of AP and UPI circuits at all stations in the network.
20 Mar 70 AFTN submits a request for permission to make closed circuit connections for some buildings at Udorn
20 Mar 70 AFTN again requests voice circuit upgrading for full network service capability
20 Mar 70 Higher headquarters notified of manning problems in connection with unacceptable experience levels.
23 Mar 70 Request for UDL revision submitted to provide adequate manning for Network Newsroom.
23-28 Mar 70 AFTN Takhli visited by IG from 13th AF. : Satisfactory
26 Mar 70 Master production package mailed to all stations.
March 70 AFTN receives a request from the U.S. embassy in Vientianne, Laos for an Audio Distribution System.
Mar 70 Semiannual manning study is completed
Mar 70 Notification received of “Apollo Plus 50” a production of AFTN Korat, winning a first place award in the annual Thomas Jefferson Awards contest.
April 70 Ground broken for television studio at AFTN U-Tapao.
10 April 70 RF-4 Phantom crashes into station at AFTN Udorn. Nine broadcasters & engineers are killed.
6-8 April 70 IG visits from 13th AF.=Satisfactory
11 April 70 AFTN Radio Udorn back on the air
14 April 70 Paperwork begun to restore television for AFTN Udorn
17 April 70 Request from the Office of Information for the Armed Forces for operating information to help them answer Congressional inquiry.
17 April 70 Memorial service for nine AFTN broadcasters killed
18 April 70 AFTN submits request for design of emergency exits for television vans.
21 April 70 AFTN sends answer to request for information from IAF.
3 May 70 7/13th (DXI) requested further study of teletype operations in the network.
7 May 70 AFTN answers teletype study request.
6 May 70 New record library requested for AFTN Udorn
8 May 70 Request forwarded through channels for increased service at Don Muang.
11 May 70 AFTN Udorn returned to local-mobile home-radio studios from Korat.
16 May 70 Command support message dispatched by Assistant Deputy Commander for 7/13th Air Force.
21-22 May 70 Station Manager’s conference conducted in studios in AFTN Korat
28 May 70 Testing begun for frequency modulation broadcasts at Udorn.
29-30 May 70 IAF Visit
1 June 70 7/13AF (DXI) sends message urging quicker action on television restoration project.
1 June 70 “Tips on Thailand” radio program returned to air.
4 June 70 AFTN notified Udorn of facilities requirements for television restoration
4 June 70 U.S. embassy in Bangkok notified 7/13 AF of higher headquarters approval for Ramasun television operation.
6 June 70 MACTHAI J6 notified AFTN of disapproval for additional circuit request.
8-10 June 70 lst AFTN Station Engineering Conference
10 June 70 Plans formed for wall-to-wall inventory.
17 June 70 Need for antenna maintenance assistance told to higher headquarters.
24 June 70 Lt. Col. LaFollette wrote Col. Cranston on the results of Sydney industry meetings.
25 June 70 Lt. Col. LaFollette stressed “no publicity” policy.
28-30 June 70 AFTN Operations/Liaison Mtg with Lt. Col. Billy r. Prim, Political Attache, Embassy
June 70 Emergency exits for TV vans arrived headquarters and shipped to outlying stations.
July 70
Hq AFTN responded to Special and Initial Report of Audit of Supply Division,
20 July 70 TV programming at AFTN-Udorn was temporarily restored
30 July 70 AFTN-Udorn converted from AM radio to FM programming
1-2 Aug 70 AFTN, Information Office and AAVS Meeting
12 Aug 70 Report of survey for Eqpt destroyed in AFTN-Udorn tragedy was submitted
14 Aug 70 Authority granted for key AFTN personnel use government owned television receivers as monitoring equipment
1 Sept 70 AFTN activated as 6001 Support Squadron at Korat RTAFB
1 Sept 70 Memorandum of Understanding regarding AFTN radio service to the U.S. embassy in Vientiane, Laos.
Engineering--How the AFTN Signal was fed into Laos
5 Sept 70 Secretary of the Air Force Office of Information granted permission to convert AFTN-Korat and AFTN Ubon to FM.
10 Sept 70 New commander for the 6001st Support Squadron reported for duty
11 Sept 70 6001st Support Squadron advised that television termination at AFTN-Takhli would occur on 15 December l970.
22 Oct 70 Station Managers Conference
28 Oct 70 Discontinuance of TV programming at U.S. Army Camp Vayama, Thailand
1 Nov 70 Establishment of AFTN Broadcaster of the Month Award Program
10 Nov 70 AFTN Station Engineers Conference
11 Dec 70 Establishment of Audio Distribution System outlet at the USAF Office of Special Investigation, Bangkok, Thailand
14 Dec 70 Discontinuance of TV programming at 6001st Spt Sq OLAB, Takhli RTAFB, Thailand
22 Dec 70 Arrival of AFTN Television Van at 6001Spt Sq OLAC, Udorn RTAFB, Thailand
23 Dec 70 Establishment of Channel 74 Television Relay at 7th Radio Research Field Station, USA Camp Ramasun, Thailand
4 Jan 71 IG Inspection of OLAC, Udorn RTAFB
14 Jan 71 OLCA television is put into operation
1 Feb 71 Net news expands its daily 7am cast to 30 minutes
4 Feb 71 OLAB, Takhli RTAFB converted to unmanned satellite of AFTN Korat
5 Feb 71 AFTN Korat and OLAA, U-Tapao Afld carry satellite coverage of Apollo 14 moonwalk
6 Feb 71 Notified that cost of model for radio facility at OLAC Udorn RTAFB increased by $ 36,000.
24 Feb 71 Broadcast service discontinued to Green Hill RTAFB
4 Mar 71 Station managers conference held at U-Tapao Afld
8 Mar 71 Notified that AFTN was selected as a winner in DOD sponsored Thomas Jefferson contest.
18 Mar 71 Broadcast service to Takhli RTAFB discontinued
31 Mar 71 All operating locations levied to air two one-half locally produced programs weekly.
April 1971 All stations become equipped with videotape equipment
April 1971 USAPSUTHAI formulates a Table of Allowances for 20 manpower spaces to be assigned to AFTN
May 1971 Installation of radio transmitter at Camp Samaesan is completed
May 1971 Bob Lacell wins Thomas Jefferson Award
May 1971 Korat local converts to FM broadcasting
June l971 AFTN recommended for Outstanding Unit Award
June l971 AFTN corrects radio signal proliferation
June 1971 OLAC-Ubon RTAFB begins FM broadcasting tests
21 July 71 Report of survey approved by Hq PACAF relieving all concerned of liability for loss in connection with air-crash destruction of the Udorn TV facility.
15 Aug 71 American Forces Thailand Network initiated broad publicity of Cold Turkey II-- the drug information program.
25 Aug 71 Hq 13AF reinstated request for funds for installation of an automated Frequency Modulated Stereo (FMS) broadcasting for Korat, Udorn, and U-Tapao.
3 Sept 71 New squadron commander/network chief assumed command.
16 Sept 71 The Bronze Star Medal approved for seven American Forces Network airmen who survived the destruction of the Udorn TV facility.
l971 Rebuilding AFTN Udorn
◄(L to R): Ray Santangelo, Rik Delisle, Ron Van Winkle, Station Manager, Jim "Mac" MacMillan
16 Sept 71 U.S. Army submitted an emergency requisition for 20 radio/TV technicians for assignment to American Forces Thailand Network .
23 Sept 71 Petitioned Hq PACAF to approve enroute delay at Korat of all new incoming American Forces Thailand Network personnel for 3 days for orientation and change of end assignment
Fall 1971 Mr. Roger Kelley, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (left) and Mr. Richard Borda, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, stand with a painting depicting the scene of the crash of a battle damaged F-4 into the Udorn RTAFB TV Studio (U.S. Air Force Photo) ►
29 Sept 71 Hq 13AF directed an additional 3 hours of daily (Monday through Friday) network TV programming.
16 Oct 1971 The commander brief the Public Affairs Officer, Military Assistance Command Thailand (MACTHAI) at Bangkok on the AFTN mission
24 Nov 1971 PACAF the headquarters that a new AFTN personnel assignment procedure had been approved by Air Force whereby all incoming AFTNers would channel through Korat for orientation and further assignment.
2 Dec l971 E-5s, E-6s, and E-7s assigned to the headquarters and Korat station were given a new billet area on base.
20 Dec 1971 The Ubon and U-Tapao stations taped the audio portion of the touring Bob Hope Christmas Show at their bases. The tapes were to be used in the final color TV program to be aired in the United States.
22 Dec l971 The headquarters received its first copy of 13AF Regulation 23-25, the unit mission-organization directive.
31 Dec 1971 The AM radio facility was deactivated at Ubon Airport and an FM installation was activated.
1971 A1C Ron Hurst, Korat broadcaster, was honored by Billboard magazine as Military Disc Jockey of the Year for l971. It was the first known Billboard Magazine award earned by an AFTN broadcaster.
7 Jan 72 Lt. Col. Jane A. Donovan, Commander, trip to AFVN to discuss disposition of equipment after AFVN phase down. ►
8 Jan 72 AFTN U-Tapao was among units cited by the Pala School District for their efforts to raise funds for the annual Children’s Day Fund Drive.
9 Jan 72 AFTN service discontinued to Khon Kaen.
11 Jan 72 AFTN service discontinued to Phu Khieo.
13 Jan 72 AFTN service discontinued to Bang Pla
23 Jan 72 Audio circuit to Kong Toey APO placed in operation
8 Feb 72 Audio Distribution System placed in operation in Takhli Air Base
29 Feb 72 New AM transmitter installed at Camp Ramasun
22 Mar 72 Audio Distribution System at Ko Kha Tech control, which was installed 31 January, became operational.
25 Mar 72 Nakhon Phanon held radio marathon to aid fire victims of village of Ban Peng. More than $ 2,600 raised in food, clothing, and cash
17 May 72 AFTN initiated service to Takhli with activation of a transmitter and program feeds from Korat
12 Jun 72 Audience survey conducted at Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base
11 July 72 Udorn personnel move into new broadcasting facility
21 Aug 72 Maj. John W. Volpel assigned as Squadron Commander
22-23 Aug 72 Unit received approval to spend 3080 money
Oct 72 Unit ordered seven FM transmitters with plans to convert to FM at all locations except ADS sites.
2-4 Nov 72 Unit held conference for station managers at U-Tapao Air Base, Thailand
26 Nov 72 AFTN increased its television broadcasting schedule to 17 hrs. per day.
Dec 72 Unit was audited by USAF Auditor General
Dec 72 Unit was subject of a manpower survey.
20-23 Jan 73 Unit inspected by PACAG IG
31 Jan 73 Unit redesignated as 6001 Aerospace Support Squadron
1-2 Feb 73 Station Manager’s Conference held at Korat RTAFB
18 Mar – 11 Apr73 Commander attends annual AFRTS conference, NAB convention
1 Apr 73 Nakhon Phanom converts from 770am to 101.9 FM.
1 May 73 Nakhon Phanom station begins broadcasting in FM stereo.
6 May 73 AFTN Management Effectiveness Inspection of OLAA-(U-Tapao)
12 May 73 Commander briefs Thirteenth Air Force commander on AFTN mission and operations.
17 May 73 AFTN Management Effectiveness Inspection of OLAC (Udorn)
23 May 73 AFTN Management Effectiveness Inspection of AFTNK (Korat)
29 May 73 AFTN Management Effectiveness Inspection of OLAD (Ubon)
31 May 73 AFTN Management Effectiveness Inspection of OLAE (Nakhon Phanom)
31 May 73 STL Link put in from Udorn station to Ramasun.
3 Jun 73 Ramasun converts from 1220AM to 101.9 FM.
30 Jun 73 U-Tapao converts from 1220AM to 101.9 FM. Sameasan converts from 1220 AM to 99.7 FM.
1 July 73 Started conversion of supply account to computers
1 July 73 Report to 13 AF, equipment outage
17 July 73 U-Tapao reports problem concerning interference with Thai stations
20 July 73 Annual reported submitted
29 July 73 Major Melvin A. Bailey, AFTN commander, reported for duty
1 Aug 73 Major Volpel’s end of tour report
1 Aug 73 Audit reports for AFTN, Korat, and Udorn
4 Aug 73 Station Manager Conference
18 Aug 73 Capt William P. Campbell III reports for duty
15 Sept 73 Transmitter pulled from Nam Phong Marine AB ("the Rose Garden")
23 Oct 73 Captain William Campbell visited Udorn
30-31 Oct 73 Historian attended 13 AF Conference at Udorn
12-13 Nov 73 Commander attended PACAF IO Conference in Bangkok
10 Dec 73 Major Melvin A. Bailey departed on leave
updated 10 / 7/ 16
Sources: AFTN Unit Histories, Air Force Historical Records Agency (AFHRA), Maxwell AFB, AL
◄Timeline--1964-1969 AFTN Home Page Timeline l974-l976►