Sound of
Korat 1971 at Alumni Reunion, 2022
AFTN Crash Debris: (click here for Photo Gallery )AFTN Crash Photos - Larry Clum (Click here for page) AFTN Crash Photos - Darrell McCabe (click here for page) AFTN Crash Photos - Jim Davey (click here for page) AFTN Network Newscast - Bob Theriault - March 29, 1969 [Click here to soundpage] AFTN Satellites (What They Looked like) Camp Kanchanaburi (click here) [10/3/18] Phitsanulok (click here) [10/7/18] Camp Cloudy (Phu Khieo) (click here) [10/8/18] Ko Kha (click here) [10/15/18] Sakon Nakon (click here) [10/15/18] Mukdahan (click here) [10/22/18] Ramasun (click here) [ 11/3/18] Chiang Mai (click here) [11/6/18] Site Warin (click here) [11/18/18] Phu Mu (click here) [11/19/18] Nam Phong (click here) [12/12/18] Green Hill (Click here) [10/21/19]
Korat 1971 Alumni Reunion, October, 2019 AFTN Broadcaster Photo Albums Dave Hart 1973-74 NKP [located here] (added 12/7/19 ) Chuck Stewart 1969 Ubon [coming] Dave Sacher 1975 Korat [located here] (added 2/16/19 ) Duane Mercier 1975 Udorn [located here][added 2/919] Henry Pitts - 1972-73 Korat [located here][added 2/9/19] Dick Storck - R n R - Phi Mai pix 1969 [located here][added 1/28/19] Dick Storck - R n R - Khao Yai National Park 1969 [located here][added 1/13/19] Joe Hutchens 1971 NKP Pix [located here] [added 1/13/19] Ed Waldrup 1969 Udorn pix (Part 1) [located here] [added 1/1/19] Ed Waldrup Udorn 1969(Part 2) [located here] [added 1/4/19]
(click here)
10/7/18] Ron Smith Photo Album - U-Tapao 1970-71 (click here) [added 11/22/18] Jerry Reed Photo Album # 2 - AFTN Takhli 1969 (click here) [added 10/30/18] Links to Rememberences of 9 men killed at AFTN Udorn (click here) [added 10/30/18]
Map of Communication & Signal Links in
Thailand (1964 - 1976) AFTN New Years Eve Countdown - Dec 31, 1973
Produced & Narrated by then PFC Jon Morgan (then & now) [added 9/23/18]
Pat Minoughan articles in Mekong Mail Express [added 9/10/18] AFTN Udorn Crash Pix from Jim Davey [added 8/24/18] Korat RTAFB Aerial Pix from Steve Hock [added 8/1/18] Jessie Brooks (aka Jay Lewis) AFTN Korat 1972 ON THE AIR (click here) [added 5/20/18] Ralph Gebes - AFTN U-Tapao
April 1973
Rick Kot, Von Blunt, Robert Baughn ON THE AIR AFTN U-Tapao Jan1970 (click here) [added 3/27/18] ![]() Steve Sills - 'The Disk Jockey & the Girls' published in Mekong Express Mail, September, 2016 (click here) [added 3/10/18] Tom McDonald sports career ends [added 3/8/18] ![]() Rick Delaney AFTN NKP 1972 ON THE AIR (click here) [added 2/21/18] Joe Moore AFTN U-Tapao 1972 Photo Album (click here) [added 2/13/18] Darrell McCabe AFTN Crash Photos 1970 (click here) [ added 1/18/2018] NKP Radio - Dutch Treat & the AFTN Good Guys (1969) (Click here) [air checks] (added 1/18/2018) SETV-AFTN Reunion Video 2009 (added 1/15/2018) This was a reunion of radio and TV broadcasters from the Armed Forces Thailand Network and Sheppard Educational TV organized by Dick Storck and held in Wichita Falls, TX in October 2009. Many of them hadn't seen each other for 40 years. Video shot and edited by Jim Cissell--7 years in the making! click below to watch the video put together by Jim Cissell ![]() Korat part timers from 1970 added to personnel rosters : SP5 William Goodwin, A1C Robert Nash, A1C Stanley Clayton added 9/11/17 My father, Major James Reid Lapp, the former Network Chief in Korat in 1974 and later the Commander of FEN in Japan, passed this morning shortly after midnight in Gloucester, VA. I suppose that there might be a "Remembrance" website of some sort, but I figured that you would have better insight to this than I. from James "Randy" Lapp [1-26-15] Pre AFTN- Good Morning Ubon - 1965-1966 added 12/26/15 click here for link ![]() Rob Neyhard with Lola Falana - Bob Hope Christmas Show 1970
George Smith at Utapao 1975-76 "Music for Your Head"
Lee Harris and Roger Williams - 1970 more pics click here History of Sheppard ETV from Dave Redman Henry Pitts Pics Korat Engineer 72-73 Click here
Bob Hope Christmas Show, Dec 22, 1966, Udorn RTAFB, Thailand From Phil Dermody (circled above) , more Udorn pics here
AFTN Ubon 1969-1970
AFTN Udorn, 1967
(back row: Sgt. Philip Dermody, SSgt Gary York, Sgt Gerald Ruffin, AIC Keith E. Hill) (fron row: TSgt Joe Lendory, SSgt Donald Natale, SSgt Charles Balmos,) in the chair: TSgt Richard E. Berry - Station Manager l966-67
Dave and Kai Ramsey outside Udon Thani, April, 2010 Click here for Dave's Photo Album
Wally Snell remembers 4/10/70: (photo of Wally's unit @ Udorn) Perhaps, I can recount what and how I remember the day the F-4 crashed (on us, I hesitate to suppose, rather than just on them). I’ve never talked much about it, didn’t know how , I guess. I was enjoying one of my rare days off, sitting in the barracks near the door, writing a letter I never finished. I was startled by the sound of what I first thought was two mortar rounds being fired. I found out later it was two Martin-Baker ejection seats. Like an idiot, I rushed outside to see an F-4 flying upside down just over the roofs. Then smoke and debris flying from the buildings two rows over from me and then came a grinding roar that seemed to go on a very long time. Then heat and smoke and people yelling and running past me away from the crash. I just stood there. Something horrible and final struck me. How could this be happening? One of the rescue guys I knew ran past and then stopped wide eyed, staring back at the smoke and flames. I walked over to ask if he knew what had happened, and to my surprise he asked me first. He couldn't remember anything that had just happened. He said he was over by the pool, the last he remembered, and then he was here.. didn't even remember running. I guess I never saw anyone so scared. “You were over there?” Then I asked if he was OK, and he looked himself over and said “Yeah, sure.” We went back closer to the fire and asked anybody we could find if we could help. One of the officers told us there's nothing anybody can do, just stay out of the way. We found out about the men inside about an hour or so later, but nobody knew how many for days. “How could something like that happen? An F-4 right through the double doors of the studio? What was God thinking?” I asked. For all these years, I’ve been remembering that there were twelve casualties. It’s some relief to know there were nine. I remember a couple of our junior officers were missing for a while, but they turned up downtown. One of our house-girls never came back, she was so upset. Our commander and several others just lost their gear and quarters. Honestly, in the face of the horror we were all grateful that no one else was killed in the other buildings.. no small miracle! Anyway, time and again, I’ve thought about those guys who brought us radio and TV and made all our lives easier. Before I finally gave it up, I used to drink a New Year’s toast every year to them and to all the other friends we lost – I didn’t know what else I could do beyond a prayer of thanks. I had heard it described as an accident.. no, in my book, it was all combat. There’s no “accidents” when young men go in harm’s way for their country. They gave their all, and I salute them with love and respect and heartfelt gratitude. Thank you, thank you, for what you have done to honor these men. I’m so glad someone could do something so special. Wally Snell, former MAJOR, USAFR Web Site Updates continues to Page 2 [click here]